March 2019

Dear Families,
School staff everywhere recognize the important contributions parents make toward a child’s
success in school. There is no question about it, success at school begins at home. Parents are
the single most important variable in a child’s schooling. One of the most important components
of a good school is the partnership between the school and parents who work together for
the best interest of children. The close partnership between home and school is one of the
strengths at Farmington River Elementary School.

I wanted to update everyone on the Blizzard Bag program. To date we have used only one
Blizzard Bag day. The feedback again this year has been positive from students and parents.
The return rate is around 97% which is just incredible. The assignments are meaningful and
take some effort. Because of the Blizzard Bags we are currently projected to have our last day
of school on June 13th.

Spring also means MCAS testing. This newsletter has those dates enclosed. The staff and I
believe in a low key approach to MCAS. Adding to a student’s anxiety level is not necessary so
there will be no big assemblies kicking off the testing season as many schools do. In place of
that, we at FRRES will offer our students continuous praise and support during testing. This
year grades 3-6 will take their test online.

Thomas Nadolny