Now Available: My School Bucks
Lunch Money: Please send in payment for your child’s breakfast and lunch on a regular basis. Payment may be made by check – made out to Farmington River Elementary School, or cash (in an envelope with your child’s name), or by using our online payment option. Thank You.
Accommodations can be made for students with dietary needs. Please contact Sarah at
Breakfast is available for all students 8:00 am-8:45 am, Monday – Friday.
Prices: Extra Student Lunch $1.60, Extra Juice or Milk 35 cents
Universal Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students
Adult Breakfast: $1.60
Available Everyday – Bagel/Cream Cheese, Assorted WG muffins, Assorted WG Cereal, Fresh fruit
Adult Lunch: $5.00
Please note: WG = Whole Grain; WW = Whole Wheat; Fruit Choice = Fresh or Canned Fruit
Alternate Lunch Options: Mon.-Fri.: Salad, PBJ, PB, or Jelly
Notice: When school is dismissed early or school is canceled for the day, the lunch served on the next day of school is the meal that was missed on the dismissed/canceled day, not the meal on the actual menu calendar day.
Click Here to Download the March 2025 Lunch Menu