October 2019

Veterans Day
at Farmington River Elementary School

Tuesday – November 12, 2019
Time: 9:00AM in the Cafeteria
RSVP: By Friday, Nov. 8th to 413-269- 4466 or mmartin@frrsd.org

Click here for more information about the Veterans Day Celebration

Fall Clothing Reminder

Please remember to send your child to school with the proper fall clothing as they go outside for recess.

Hat and/or Sunglasses

 Sneakers or closed toe shoes

No flip flops, please.

A Fall coat


Young Artists are exploring what makes them who they are. They are creating tissue paper mosaic mandalas to showcase the people, places and things that make up their world.

They have also been working on creating illustrations of character studies for a play they will perform next year.  This play (in the final stages of being written with help from all the children at FRRSD) will be a musical comedy about how a group of young cowhands meet some time travelling aliens and learn about ways to conserve earth’s resources and celebrate differences.

Any parents interested in the dramatic or theater arts are encouraged to contact Ms. Catullo at  lcatullo@frrsd.org to see how you might be able to help make this production  a resounding success!

Student Council News…  

Student Council elections will take place October 10th, with results  announced on Friday, October 11.  All students who campaigned for office will participate in one way or another.  A schedule of lunch time meeting and smaller committee meetings will be sent home at the end of the month.


Counselor Korner...

September flew by!! We are back to school and off and running, and focusing on being kind! The classes read lots of great books, about including others, and kindness last month, and we will continue to work on this in October! Of course, with the beautiful leaves and fall foliage we will make sure to include pumpkins and other cool stuff into our lessons. In fact some classes are going to have pumpkins, and they will each write on the class pumpkin something kind, in hopes to give the pumpkin to a local business or nursing

Krispy Kreme Donut Fundraiser
All orders are due back by Friday, October 25th.
Donuts will be delivered on Wednesday, November 6th.

Please support our school by participating in the Krispy Kreme fundraiser.  Donuts, coffee, and gift certificates are all $10. Half of each classrooms’ proceeds go to the 6th grade class trip and the other half  goes directly into that classrooms account.  The classroom that sells the most will receive a pizza party!!


F A R M I N G T O N R I V E R  P T A  I S  H O S T I N G  A  Q U A R T E R  A U C T I ON O N  F R I D A Y, N O V E M B E R  8 T H  A T  5 P M .    P L E A S E  C O M E  O U T   AND S U P P O R T  O U R  A M A Z I N G  S T U D E N T S ! ! !   P R O C E E D S   WILL  B E N E F I T  OUR C L A S S R O O M  T E A C H E R S .


All students, K-6, are working on our soccer unit! Students are practicing their ball handling, dribbling, passing/trapping and juggling skills. Students are also working to apply those skills in game like activities and 5 on 5 game play. Ask your child to show off the skills they’ve been working on!

Students K-2 will be building on their throwing and catching skills through station work and various activities. Grades 3-8 will be starting an Ultimate Frisbee unit at the end of the month which helps to highlight throwing and catching on a more challenging level.

*Our first All-School Walk of the year will be Friday, October 25 at 9:00. October is Bullying Prevention month, so please have your child wear ORANGE to school to help raise awareness of this topic!

Welcome Karolyn…

Hi, my name is Karolyn Higgins and I’m student teaching this semester with Mrs. Decker! I’m a graduate student at Westfield State working on my degree is special education. I’m excited to be apart of the school community and I look forward to continuing to get to know all of the wonderful students I’ve gotten to work with so far!