February 2018

All of us here at Farmington River Elementary School go about our work with the children we serve as our highest priority, and we highly value the relationships we forge with families. Thank you for entrusting us with the care and education of your child in a safe, enriching environment of growth and learning. Please know that we are committed to doing our best for the children every day.

Our mission at Farmington River Elementary School is to inspire in all students a love of learning and challenge them to grow in heart and mind. We are a community of creative, engaged learners who embrace the challenges of a rapidly changing world. We cultivate a love of learning in a nurturing academic environment that equips our students for life’s opportunities.

We were able to use our Blizzard Bags on January 4th. I am pleased to report we had a combined K-6 return rate of over 90%. Feedback received from parents and students has been positive. The second snow day of January 5th will extend our school year by one day. Currently, the last day of school will be June 14th, but we have a long way to go before that’s set in stone.


Tom Nadolny
