April 2018

Dear Parent and Guardians,

I am sure we all are very thankful that April has arrived.  I am happy to see the thermometer on the rise allowing students to get outside more often and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Students will go for walks, play on the playground, and play games around the building as part of their educational day.  Play is an important part of a student’s education.  Please remember to have your child wear sneakers so he/she has a safe experience outside. 

The month of April also brings MCAS testing.   This year grades 4-6 will complete all of their testing online.  Grade three will still use the traditional paper based test and switch over to online next year. Testing will start on April 2, and continue through the month.  I worked with teachers to develop a schedule that gave students a break between testing sessions whenever possible.  The staff and I have made it a point not to bring too much attention to this in an effort to reduce the stress level some student’s experience.  The classroom teachers and paraprofessionals have stepped up again to provide their grade levels with an additional recess periods to decompress after testing. 

As always please feel free to call or stop by with any questions or concerns.

Tom Nadolny
